Calf rearing

 Calf rearing

Why calf management is important in cattle management.

Today's calf will be a good dairy cow tomorrow. Therefore, proper feeding of calves is essential.

In order to obtain an animal with high productivity, the animal must reach the required body growth at a certain age from an early age.

The average birth weight of a calf is about 7% of the adult body weight of that species.

This body weight should be approximately 10% of the adult weight at the time of weaning.

For this the daily growth rate of the calf should be maintained between 600-750g.

Proper calf control is required to maintain that growth rate of the calf.

The average calf is about 18-20 months old and about 75% of its body weight is required to conceive.

Failure to do so will result in weakening of the calf, poor production of the heifer and poor physical condition.

If not properly controlled in the early stages of the animal, the pups will not be able to reach the required body weight within the appropriate age range.

As a result, sexual maturation is delayed.

Then the economic loss to the farm is inevitable due to the delay in conceiving those animals.

The initial stage of calf control is the calving stage.

It is very important that the place where the calf is born is clean.

That place

100-150 square feet,

Dry and hot,

Well ventilated and well lit,

It is best to use a straw mat.

If the placenta becomes dirty

The calf is at risk of developing naval & joint ill disease.

The germs that enter the mother's uterus can lead to uterine infections and placental abruption, which can lead to fertility problems in the mother.


After childbirth,

First remove the calf from the mother.

The calf should be cleaned.

The first step is to clean the baby's nostrils

In some cases, the pelvic floor rupture during childbirth, otherwise the pelvic girdle should be cut about 2 inches below the pelvis.

It should be tied tightly with a thread above the cutting point.

As soon as the pecan vine is cut, the pecan should be immersed in a disinfectant.

For this you can use tinchar iodine, providone iodine, cochineal oil.

The calf should then be weighed.

The birth weight of the calf is very important in the control of the calf.

The average birth weight of a calf should be between 6-8% of the adult body weight of that type of animal.

However, the birth weight of twins can be as high as 5-6%.

If the birth weight of the calf is much less than that value, the calf needs special care.

Then the calf should be given colostrum and breast milk.

For this purpose, raw milk or artificial colostrum mixture can be given.

Milking can be done in a bucket or bottle.

After giving colostrum, the calf can be placed in a cage.

For this, the calf should be marked after being placed in the cage

Ear marking

Tattooing can be done

The control can then be divided into several main sections until the calf is weaned.

Feeding the pups.

Providing housing for pups.

Disease control in pups.


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